We believe in God as He has revealed Himself in the Bible. We believe that He created all things, including us, and He is passionately interested and involved in our lives.
We believe that the Bible is His inspired word written to us for our benefit, and that within it’s pages exist absolute truth.
We believe that God is able and eager to forgive all of our sins, and that this is accomplished through the salvation offered by Jesus, the Son of God.
We believe all who claim Jesus Christ as the Son of God and their Savior have become our brothers and sisters in the family of God our Father. We join together with other believers in love to accomplish God’s will on earth knowing that we will spend eternity together with Jesus.
We believe that the Good News of God’s love found in Jesus Christ is to be shared with all people because God loves everyone and wants them to come into relationship with Him.
We want to uphold the biblically correct over politically correct, truth over comfort, God’s word over popular opinion, and God’s principles over marketing trends.