Upgrading and Improving

This is taking longer than we thought it would, but we are still at work replacing equipment and software, damaged by lightening and other Florida things.  We will be back –  any day now.  Prayers would be appreciated as well.  Have a great, wonderful, joyful day in Christ!

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We have experienced a number of storms and lightening strikes this summer, and our equipment AND software has suffered.  We are busily trying to resolve the issues and obtain replacement hardware.  Rest assured, we will return.

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We’re Sorry

Sorry for the outages – we are located in SW Florida, and these summer storms are knocking out our power and internet!  Don’t worry, we’ll always come right back.


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We’re NOT Going Away….

If you tried to listen in during the last few days, you may have heard….nothing. It’s not us! Our internet provider went down and there was not a thing we could do! We didn’t leave or give up or shut up, we’re still here talking about Jesus and playing great Christian music!

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Wow!  We had some BIG WINDS here in Florida, and it knocked us off the air for a few hours.  But never fear, we are back and all is well.  Eagerly waiting for Christmas….

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First Storm of the Season

Tropical Storm Elsa is headed toward Florida’s West Coast, and although it is not a hurricane, it may cause us some interruption in our broadcasting if the power goes out. It’s a problem in SW Florida that we have to live with, but rest assured that we will be back!

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New Year 2021

It’s another new year, and an entirely different world than it was just 12 short months ago. And yet, God is still on His throne. He has us here at this time to be His witnesses to the mighty things He will do. Take heart!

Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”   (Ester 4:14)

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Power Shut down – We were told that they are doing maintainance and we’ll be off the air for a few hours. Hope to be back by noon!

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We’re Moving!

We may be off air for just a short time as we move everything to our new broadcasting location!  Prayers for us that everything would go smoothly would be appreciated, and we will be back in just a few hours!  God is VERY good!

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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome, 2019!

Jim and Arlene wish everyone a Happy and Blessed 2019!  

Every new year, we are closer to His return!

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