GOODBYE, 2018!

The year’s not quite over….yet.  Like many of you, we are NOT sorry to say ‘Goodbye!’ to the year 2017!

This was our year:
     March: we had to move our studios, and you all know how complicated and tedious it can be to move to a brand new location and set up things differently than the way with which we were
     July and August: We experienced a death in the family – Arlene’s father, and time away from the studio for travel and memorial services.
     September: We had Hurricane Irma, and like many of you in our local area, we had some losses and damage. We lost windows on both studios, and although our equipment was covered, electronics do not fare well with moisture! We are facing the reality of having to replace two computers, a console, and office furniture .
     Many days off-air, from the move, Hurricane Irma, and damage.

We currently have listeners in 148 countries, about 3,000 cities worldwide, – about 3/4 of the world – and listeners in every state of the USA.  We have let our Lord lead our movements since we began this ministry. So far, He has given no indication that we are to stop. We can reach worldwide and do many things in a very cost effective way, but we do need that support to continue.
As we return to ‘normal’ and the year’s end, we turn to YOU, our faithful friends and listeners, for your prayers and financial support. Now more than ever, JesusRadioWorldwide needs to trust God that good people like you will be generous and willing to help keep us on the air and internet.


Your Prayers – that many more souls will one day be in heaven because of the work of JesusRadioWorldwide!

New Equipment to replace that which was most severely damaged in Hurricane Irma

Monthly Support – which will ensure the continued presence of JesusRadioWorldwide on the internet

Please prayerfully consider a year end, tax deductible gift. 

Our address:   PO Box 8701, Naples, FL  34101

Or use the “Donate” button on our webpage to make a secure gift with credit card, debit card, or Paypal.  

Happy and Blessed New Year!

Jim's favorite food in the whole world - Portillo's, Chicago, 2012

Jim & Arlene Channell

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